Research Adiyaman Museum
27-07-2004Prof. Dr. Eric Moormann of the University of Nijmegen is conducting the research for tuffit fragments of the Dexiosis Reliefs in the Museum of Adiyaman.
14th of July Celebration (2004)
14-07-2004The INF medal of honour was presented to Mr. Dengir Mir Mehmet Fırat, Deputy Chairman of AKP, during the 4th anniversary of 14th of July celebration.
21-06-2004Prof. Dr. Herman Brijder of the University of Amsterdam is supervising the computer updating of the S.I.S. (Site Information System) by the archaeologists.
Restoration House
30-07-2003The Dexiosis reliefs are safely stored in the restoration house without any damage.
Transportation of Dexiosis Reliefs
23-07-2003The mobile crane and the Mack truck provided by Enka are put into position. The fragile and partly delaminated reliefs are lifted, packed into a prefab steel frame, and placed at the heavy truck. Next they are transported one by one to the restoration house.
The Antiochos Statue Reassembled
19-07-2003The Antiochos statue is carefully reassembled.
Birthday Christoph Kronewirth
18-07-2003The birthday of Christoph Kronewirth is celebrated. Christoph Kronewirth received recently the Peter Parler Award of Germany 2002/2003.
The Antiochos Statue
16-07-2003Every block of the Antiochos statue is carefully treated before it is replaced. The cracks are repaired and the gaps are filled. Some blocks are reinforced by use of fibre rods.
14th of July Celebration (2003)
14-07-2003At the 3nd annual celebration of the 14th of July, at sunset, the INF medal of honour is presented by the Dutch Embassy to Hayri Çulhacı, vice-president of Akbank T.A.Ş. and Mr. Ûnal Nakipler of the Enka Construction & Industry Co., Inc. in the presence of Mr. Ibrahim Halil Daşöz, Governor of Adiyaman.
Northside of the Statues at the East Terrace
12-07-2003The crumbled rock under the eagle/lion pedestal at the northside of the East Terrace is removed leaving a gap. Next the rock is cleaned and reinforced.