The ambassador of Turkey
04-05-2001Meeting with the Turkish ambassador in the Netherlands, Mr. Karahan and his counsellor, Mr. Aktaş, who advise the INF in handling some administrative procedures.
01-01-2001Mr.John Stubbs Vice President Programs, states at a meeting in Amsterdam that the World Monuments Fund WMF, will sponsor the Nemrud Project of INF. In September a roundtable will be organised in Amsterdam dedicated to the subject of conservation. Participants will be international conservation and preservation experts.
Annual Board Meeting INF
23-09-2000The strategy for the Nemrud campaign is discussed by the board members at the annual meeting of the INF at the Golden Tulip Hotel in Geldrop.
Expo 2000
15-09-2000Visit of the Nemrud Foundation to the Expo 2000. The Turkish pavilion is dedicated to the Nemrud monument. The presentation of the Nemrud by the Ministry of Tourism, is a magnificent synthesis of western and oriental culture and attracting a continuous stream of visitors.
Visit of Mr. Ömer Koç
07-06-2000During his visit to the Nemrud at the 7th of June Mr. Ömer Koç enjoys the sunset at the West terrace.
In memoriam Tomm Utecht
29-03-2000Tomm Utecht secretary of the INF, has passed away on Wednesday the 29th of March. Tomm Utecht conducted the geophysical research on Mt.Nemrud in 1989 and 1990. He was an excellent scientist and his life was dedicated to the Nemrud. The local people called him ‘Nemrud Vale’ (Nemrud gouvernor).

In memoriam Tomm Utecht
Meeting with the Governor of the Province Adiyaman
08-03-2000The infrastructure required for the execution of the Masterplan 2000, is discussed with the governor of the Province Adiyaman, Kadir Çalisici.
Meeting with the Minister of Culture
10-12-1999The Minister of Culture, Mr. M. Istemihan Talay, announces the start of the work on Mount Nemrud at the end of May 2000.
Meeting with the Minister of Tourism
02-11-1999Visit to the Nemrud and meeting in Ankara with the Minister of Tourism, Mr. Erkan Mumcu. The Minister announces that 10% of his budget will be spend on the promotion of the Nemrud.
World Monuments Fund Announcement
14-09-1999The World Monuments Fund announced the World Monuments Watch 2000 List of 100 Most Endangered Sites at the Asia Society in New York City, U.S.A.