CNCDP update
16-01-2009The Middle East Technical University (METU) aims to raise European Union funds for the “Commagene – Nemrut Tourism-Based Revitalization Project” (CNCDP).
Please see Logbook
METU has carried out the following works to date:
Field Work 1: September 06 – 20, 2006
collecting documents and site survey
Field Work 2: May 21 – 22, 2007
investigating location for the Visitor Centers and updating the measuring devices
Field Work 3: July 28 – August 11, 2008
collecting data and material sample testing
Field Work 4: September 9 – 10, 2008
collecting data, measuring sculptures and architectural survey
Field Work 5: September 21 – 23, 2008
collecting data and solving data acquisition problems
Field Work 6: September, 2009
Website CNCDP
16-12-2008In co-operation with the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the Middle East Technical University METU launches a very nice and professional-looking website for the Commagene Nemrut Conservation and Development Programme (CNCDP):
Meeting with the Minister of Culture and Tourism
18-12-2007A subsidise of € 2,000,000 for the Nemrud Project was again offered by the embassador of the Netherlands to the Minister of Culture and Tourism, His Excellency Mr. Ertuğrul Günay.

Meeting with the Minister of Culture and Tourism
Meeting of the Ministers
15-12-2006The Dutch Minister of Education, Culture and Science, her Excellency Mrs. Maria van der Hoeven, and the Minister of Culture and Tourism of Turkey, his Excellency Mr. Atilla Koç, have a meeting at the occasion of the opening of the exhibition “Istanbul. The City and the Sultan” in Amsterdam. Mrs. Maria van der Hoeven offers to sponsor the Nemrud Project with € 2.000.000.
First Field Work
06-09-2006The Middle East Technical University (METU), takes over the Nemrud monument from the University of Amsterdam (UvA) in 2004. METU’s efforts start in 2006 by collecting data from the steles. The steles are pre-conservated and safely stored by the UvA in the temporary restoration laboratory constructed by ENKA.

First Field Work
01-09-2006The University of Amsterdam and INF are proud to announce the first comprehensive digital S.I.S. (Site Information System) of the Nemrud monument. The S.I.S. is based on the 3-D laserscans of Callidus, the GPS (Global Positioning System) of the Technical University of Delft and the scientific work of the classical archaeologists of the University of Amsterdam. S.I.S. allowes for an accurate topographic mapping of the area as well as a precise locating and description of the artefacts.
Life in Turkey
16-12-2005The copy of the Lion Horoscope is presented for the first time to the Dutch public during the fair Life in Turkey. The consul-general, Mr. Ahmet Akif Oktay, unveils the famous artefact.
14th of July Celebration (2005)
14-07-2005The INF medal of honour is presented to Professor Dr. Herman Brijder, chair of classical archeology of the University of Amsterdam, during the 5th anniversary of the 14th of July celebration.
Meeting with the Minister of Culture and Tourism
15-03-2005A photograph of the Lion Horoscope was presented to the Minister of Culture and Tourism, His Excellency Mr. Atilla Koç, by Professor Dr. Herman Brijder of the University of Amsterdam.
Lion Horoscope
22-10-2004The Gipsformerei der Staatlichen Museum in Berlin casted a copy of the undamaged Lion Horoscope as found by Karl Humann and Otto Puchstein in 1882 at Mt. Nemrud. The copy of the Lion Horoscope is ready for transport to Turkey.